I suppose it'd help if at least one of us went and looked up what cloud computing actually is.
To summarize from Wikipedia, cloud computing is a style of computing in which the computational resources are shifted from the client into the cloud, resulting in an architecture in which a client does not need to install or process any resources locally, but rather receives data as a
service from the cloud. That applies in this case because on the server side the software--
HISASHIBURI! CUROUDO!!!Wh-- Dude, get the fuck out of here! I'm trying to explain something!
Cloud! I know he's here! He's a puppet!
REUNION!Damn it, we're not talking about that Cloud! Go the fuck out of here Sephiroth!
Who is this "Sephiroth" you speak of?
SEPHIRI JOE DOES IT AGAIN!Gaaaaaah... okay, okay, I can work with this. Let's just say Sephir... whatever here is a visual aid. Now, let's say Sephiroth is a "client", and the "program" he's running is... oooh... killing a dumb broad.
Now, with normal, non... *cough* computing, Sephiroth would have to do all the work of killing the broad himself - falling, stabbing, giving his own speeches, and all that rigamorale. Oh, and let's not forget all the wasted wait cycles!
Do you know how fucking long I was up there, waiting for you to turn your dumb ass around? This style of computing isn't efficient at all!
But with
cloud computing...
cloud computing, the "client" only needs to send some virtualized data, and wait for a response from one or several other processing sources. So in this case, it's as if Sephiroth simply called out for Aeritheses, and they
themselves did all the work of getting killed, delivering themselves straight into the client's pipeline.
Wait, so you're saying I can just stick my sword out and she'll jump on it for me?
No. I'm saying you can stick your sword out, and they'll
all jump on your sword for you.
Holy shit I just increased my efficiency by 400%!!! Thank you Cloud Computing!
CUROUDO!!!!And now you know. And knowing is half the AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaargh