Being that I'm a Culinary Major and these issues become a main topic in classes like "Culinary History" AKA HISTORY OF FOOD LETS MAKE YOU HUNGRY
From what I garner, its a triple problem.
- Economic Status
- Availability of Time
- The Individual
Each one of those has a fuck ton you can throw under. Iron_Mongrel makes some of the best points into why the fat people started popping up more. Eating healthy is not cheap. If you go out and buy fresh vegetables, fruits and meat every week, you're spending a lot more than you would if you bought frozen pizza, insta-meals, and snack food. And do any of you ever really see anything besides meat and junk-shit on sale? I'll be fucked if I can remember when I saw a good deal on vegetables. Which now that I think about it, probably because its all seasonal.
Shopping healthy at Costco with bulk sales still gets close to being the same amount of junk-shit I would buy at a regular place like Giant, Shoppers, ect. And the fresh stuff also doesn't last as long, so if I don't eat it or it does go bad, that is money gone and wasted. And how many people have the time to budget and buy for what they need in a week/2weeks as opposed to being safe and buying the undying stuff.
As to what you wanna do about solving the problem, well. Come on, who hasn't seen the fat guy running and then fingered the chocolate bar your holding, wondering how much you could make.
When companies stop making such a fortune off of cheap, nutrient light, undying food.
When people no longer feel bad for how they look/feel and binge eat.
When people arn't forced to pick between unhealthy and healthy because of cost.
When WoW is no longer around.When those
four three things are met, you'll still be faced with people having a choice of doing something active or playing a video game/watching T.V.
Most overweight people are aware of their problem and actively trying to counter it. See: the original basis of this thread.
But what about the ones in massive self-denial.
Pun intended.