So they finally busted me for a particularly egregious fireable offense (I put through some orders on expired pricing, as the request of a Sales Rep, in case anyone is wondering).
We're gonna find out precisely how irreplaceable I am! If I was down in the states, I'd be out the door tonight. They outright refused to tell me if I was fired or not.
It's not all bad. If they fire me, I won't have to put up with my perpetually angry manager* and I got a coupon for a free 15 minute massage.
*I have some kind of curse that has dogged me at every company I've worked for for the past seven years: nearly everybody I deal with at the company loves me and my work (and no, I don't always go about as a company policy scofflaw), customers love me, everybody's happy.
EXCEPT, for my direct manager, for whom I can literally do no right.
And the manager has always been an angry middle-aged woman, and usually a single, red-headed cougar to boot (God, don't ask me WHY).