Well, back to the on-two-weeks-off-two-weeks contract I've had going for the past couple of months.
We've reached crunch time, which means I get to deal with my absolute favorite type of boss neurosis, being constantly interrupted and told to drop everything and focus on some new emergency so that he can come back an hour later and ask me why I haven't finished the thing he told me to stop doing.
He actually told me to pick up the pace while we were walking down the hall. As if my walking speed was going to make any detectable difference in whether we meet his deadline.
Fortunately he seemed to calm down a bit today, as the other temp and I caught up on the backlog and basically hit the usual status quo of "I can't copy files that haven't been uploaded to the server yet."
But the other thing is that while I was out they rearranged the furniture, and instead of having the laptops arranged in a circle around a room they're now sitting on three levels of shelves with no KVM, so I have to keep moving up and down. So yesterday I spent a nine-and-a-half-hour work day basically doing squats all day and Jesus Christ I can feel it today.
Well, it beats unemployment. In fact, I will be making nearly EIGHTY-TWO DOLLARS MORE this week than if I had just stayed home and collected unemployment.
Well, minus the $38 I wouldn't have spent gasing up my car.