Could still happen but I did in fact clear it with a superior.
Actually we noticed it as we were going through the area looking for more places to put shit, because management is talking about how, once the pilot is over and we start deploying Win7 to the rest of the company, they want me to double my output (right now I'm doing maybe 5 machines a day; they want 10). The bottleneck is not me, it's the amount of space I have to put laptops in and the number of ports I have to connect them to. So guy comes in, starts looking around at space that's being used for storage and could be used for production instead; that's when we notice the desk and I mention I could use it as a desk and use the plastic table to image things on.
I suspect this little filing-cabinet thingy wrapped in bubble wrap is supposed to go under that side.
No, probably not; at a glance it looks taller than the desk. I don't have a tape measure onhand but I'll grab a cable or something to compare before I drag it in.
Might have to set one corner on top of some kind of load-bearing something. There's a big empty mini-fridge box out there; I wonder if it would be sturdy enough. Otherwise I guess I can just stack it on top of a bunch of old computers that we're not redeploying.
EDIT: Nope, checked, and the cabinet thing IS just the right height. Glad I trusted SCIENCE! instead of my own lying eyes.