So, kind of funny.
The Stallion's French is bad. Like REALLY BAD. But he's proud of his halting pidgin French, I guess.
He gets an email, which he forwards to me. The email says a customer wants to be billed in April for something they're going to order in March (so they can game their accounting), which we don't do. You buy it, you pay for it. I mean, they're basically asking for credit.
The Stallion
can't read the email properly.
Me: "Hey, regarding the email you just sent. I just doublechecked with Finance and the invoice has to go when the stuff ships. Do you want to call them back or would you prefer I do it?"
Stallion: "No, no, I don't think the email says that at all. I think they want to move their shipment up to an earlier date is all."
Me: **rereads email to make sure I'm not being a gigantic retard** "Uh, no, she's asking us to delay her billing... tell you what, would you like me to give her a call?"
Stallion: "What are you going to say?" [OBVIOUS GLARE]
Me: "...
... I'll ask what date she wants the order changed to