So yeah, the scourge of calls at 7-8 in the morning had been going on for some time. Let's just mention right now that
A) I tell my clients not to call me before 10, period.
B) I've been going to sleep at around 4 AM for the past few months.
C) I went to bed at
seven this morning since I spent the last night trying to get as close to the finish line with the Knorpse as I could.
So I get this call at 8:30, right?
Good mor- I mean, hello, this is Brent.
Hi! I'm calling about the interview you had last week. What did you think of it?
Was good. Kinda long.
Was supposed to be an hour, think it was two. Long.
Okay, uh, did you like the company?
Seems pretty good.
The position?
Yeah, I er... yeah, I mean it was a pretty good entry point I thought.
So are you interested in the job?
Sure, why not?
Okay, well, so, we want to go ahead with an offer...
Aaaaaaaaaaah... hold on, let's start over here.
Hello! Good morning!
As far as "why the fuck are you calling me so early" conversations go, this one was pretty tolerable imo.