So I pulled a twelve hour shift at the bakeshop I work at today, 7:30am-7:30pm. Four hours in I decided to take a break despite the fact that my cohorts, all of whom came in before I did, hadn't. I asked the guy I work with if he wanted to go first. He declined, so I went.
Now, there's two girls that work there. We work in the same space, but what I work on is almost always separate from them. One of them came in at 3:00am, and as of 11:30 when I took a brake, she hadn't yet. Now her boyfriend is engaging in some good old-fashioned passive-aggressive shit-talking on Facebook about me going first.
Never-minding the fact that my taking a break has nothing to do with whether she can or not, after eight hours, if you haven't taken one yet,
it's your own damn fault. Also, it's none of his damn business. He came into help today,* but it's my and her workplace, not his.
*Full disclosure: This is the campus bakeshop for the culinary program I attend. All of us are students, and Boyfriend, who I also share classes with and have known for some years, came into help today. Help his girlfriend, that is. Not that I have anything against that and don't appreciate the extra set of hands, but its not like he was there for academic enlightenment or just to plain 'ol help out.
edit: stupid typos