Promoting people is hard! Or at least, I chose a bad way to do it.
I need to select two people to promote to a position that, while it pays no more than their current position, provides more hours per week. I figured there'd be a pretty low response rate, so at the end of training today I just asked who would be willing to work more hours. I had eight people come up to me, all promising they can work 40 hours a week, any time, any day. This is obviously bullshit, but since I don't know anyone's particular schedules, I can't really call anyone out on it.
This puts me in an awkward spot (at least in my head). The two I would consider most qualified based off what I've seen so far are guys, and I feel like giving them both the position may make the women in training assume I chose them based off that, and since everyone seemed to want as many hours as they could get, I don't even have the "well, he was available more" cushion to fall back on.
I have no problem firing people or chastising because if I do, they did something to deserve it. Still, I have trouble telling people "well yeah, you're okay, but from what I've seen this guy is much more okay."