I'm temping, doing data entry for a company that arranges conferences. They did a conference for the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals. I'm transcribing evaluation forms.
"Check shit before it breaks so you can have some idea when it's going to" is a good (albeit blindingly obvious) idea, but these fuckers spun out an entire corporate management philosophy from that. Based on the seminars offered, the comments given, and a little research, this is coming off as the most inane, bullshit, buzzwordy nonsense since Six Sigma. Which hey, there are a lot of suggestions that they do a seminar combining the principles of RCM with the principles of Six Sigma, or instruction in Lean RCM, or merging RCM with Lean Six Sigma into some kind of lovecraftian clusterfuck. There were very highly rated seminars called "Back to the Future: Refocus on the Basics to Achieve Maintenance Excellence" and "Total Process Reliability - A Philosophy For Sustainable Market Leadership" and "Launching Maintenance Communities of Practice for Reliability Excellence".