I gotta say, I've got a job and even when work a lot I can't sleep for shit most nights. Take tonight for example, went to bed at 4:30, fell asleep around 5, woke back up at 9:45. That's just how I work, I'll sleep 3-5 hours for 2-3 days then on the 4th or so get a full 7-8 hours. Hell, the fact that I refuse to be even late for work, much less miss work or fall asleep during my shifts is one of the reasons I sleep so little sometimes. I'll not be able to fall asleep all night then 11AM or Noon will roll around, I'll finally pass out for a bit then be back up at 2PM for work... Still, when I was unemployed I did try to keep myself busy too, I would run my dogs for a while or do yard work or even just read a book. I don't really feel the need to be filling every hour with shit, I can just sit with a book, my headphones on and a good album playing or my guitar and feel good about my day as long as I take a break in eating cheetos and playing video games....