Oklahoma Gets up to 104-5 once or twice a summer, though it was for two weeks straight this summer. And we usually go sub-zero for a while each winter, plus windchill.
I don't know, the last year... I don't think we went sub-zero once? Maybe down to the 10 degree range, but sub zero is a bit of a stretch at best. Outside of the big ice storm for the most part most of the winter was spring weather. Summer was BALLS. My electric bill for a one bedroom apartment was pushing 200 in july from the AC, and my apartment was STILL uncomfortably hot.
Oklahoma Gets up to 104-5 once or twice a summer, though it was for two weeks straight this summer. And we usually go sub-zero for a while each winter, plus windchill.
Does it not count because it only gets up for two straight weeks? (Honestly, that's enough to even satisfy a girl like me.)
If you're in Oklahoma, I'd say the weather is the LEAST of your complaints.
Depends on where you live in Oklahoma.
Tulsa is not a bad place to live. You'd really be surprised. There's a lot to do here and the city is fairly progressive. We have a fairly sizable water park, excellent schools, a performing arts center that sees some pretty big acts and a fairly popular, if not world renowned opera. Now, the REST of Oklahoma, on the other hand...