The biggest problem with leaving your window open is, of course, noise. Your brain learns to tune out train whistles in pretty short order, but lawnmowers and large trucks are another matter.
As are fucking idiots screaming "WHOOOOOOOOOOO" at 1 AM.
Still, going to enjoy the whole open-window thing as long as I can. Our highs are going to be in the low 80's for awhile, it looks like.
So funny story,
For some reason, people pass by my street doing just that. And while the sea is right across the road, noise seems to still come through my paper-thin walls as if a noise repeater was included in my monthly rent.
So this night, some people did just that with the "wooos' and the "heeeeeys" and the "hoo-haws" on a monday night.
I was annoyed and pissed off as I had to rise in three. Then for some reason those fools started up my stairs of all places. Immediatly I knew they must have mistaken my digs for one three doors down. Wow, drunk.
So I jumped out of bed, threw on my blackest clothing, and my black cap and waited for them to try to open the door. After three minutes of attempting with the key, they didn't get the point, so I opened the door in their faces.
In a very calm voice with the light of my fish tank as a backlight, I said "This, is not my home. Understand that at this point, you best be elsewhere".
I glared.
And those idiots didn't say a word all the way back to their place.