It is so goddamn beautiful right now that I have borrowed my girlfriend's laptop without asking and am typing this from my back porch.
This is why people live in this place.
Also, it is windy and one of the saplings in my backyard is slanty. It is tied to a post with rope from my trunk, but the post is also slanty now. In fact I believe it is actually curved now.
Really what it needs is another post.
My dizzy spells have mostly gone away as of this week. Last week I was feeling good enough to ride my bike, but then I got dizzy and had to get a ride home. Now, I think I could handle a roundtrip.
I would have tested this theory on Wednesday when I went to buy comics and coffee, but I was also buying beer and didn't want to carry that in a backpack for 3 miles.
Really the only downside is that the dog across the alley is an asshole and keeps barking when I cough or laugh. (I was laughing because I was reading Deadpool while drinking a bomber of Guinness.)