Nor, don't you understand?
Fox News isn't the problem. The legions they purposely whip into a furor are!
Why can't you see the truth!?
Ahaha. Is this a snideways response to my post?
Let me be blunt then.
A huge portion of the population of the United States is for want of a better term,
fucking retarded. They are not helping. If Fox news died tomorrow. If the GOP turned on a dime tonight, and if Bush recanted everything he'd done in office this very afternoon, it might help, but it sure wouldn't solve things.
P.S. There are plenty of retards elsewhere, you have no special license on them, and this isn't a U MERIKINS R SO DUM thing, but other countries' retards are for the most part irrelevant to this discussion.
You need to treat them like children. Small, ignorant, mean little brats. In public.
These men should be stripped of all dignity. Not by a ravening lynch mob with barrels of tar in tow, but by wise parents condescending as they would to a wailing spoiled child.
By all means, hasten the demise of civilized discourse. Why debate your opponents in search of a more sophisticated understanding of the issues, when you can simply condescend to them, provoking them to still greater outbursts of ideological insecurity, until only half of the picture can be taken seriously?
Good policy does not emerge from attaching yourself to a perspective and undermining all its rivals, but from permitting ideas to suffer criticism and defense from all perspectives until a satisfactory shared understanding of its risks and benefits can be established, at which point all that remains is for voters or representatives to identify their priorities.
Perhaps this makes me naïve, but I don't think there's anything to be gained from attacking a position through the idiots among its supporters.
I think perhaps you misunderstood what I meant.
I meant that you guys need to stop taking people with barely two neurons to rub together and who make their living off of artificially created RAGE seriously. You need to RAISE the level of debate
and leave them behind.
You need to quit feeding all the goddamned trolls.