use⋅less /ˈyuslɪs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [yoos-lis] Show IPA
–adjective 1. of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; unavailing or futile: It is useless to reason with him.
2. without useful qualities; of no practical good: a useless person; a useless gadget.
1585–95; use + -less
Related forms:
use⋅less⋅ly, adverb
use⋅less⋅ness, noun
1. fruitless, profitless, valueless, worthless, inutile. Useless, futile, ineffectual, vain refer to that which is unavailing. That is useless which is unavailing because of the circumstances of the case or some inherent defect: It is useless to cry over spilt milk. Futile suggests wasted effort and complete failure to attain a desired end: All attempts were futile. That which is ineffectual weakly applies energy in an ill-advised way and does not produce a desired effect: an ineffectual effort. That which is vain is fruitless or hopeless even after all possible effort: It is vain to keep on hoping. 2. unserviceable, unusable.
1. effective.
I am intrigued by this apparent philosophy that people are entitled to like their jobs.
You folks sure love reading implications into my posts that I didn't put there.
ok sir then how is "continuing to collect a paycheck rather than starve for a dream that does not actually exist" not a plan
Okay, well, here I will read my own experience into things, you are free to explain how your case may or may not be different, because there is no way I am going to claim that I am the norm.
I make no claim to being one of those witty "intelligent slackers" (imo, laziness is a form of stupidity), but I sure do get bored easily. I know that no matter how easy a job is, sooner or later I will get myself fired by slouching my way out the door (I usually quit, so as to leave on good terms, though at Virgin, the workplace was so toxic I took pride in getting myself fired). I usually push the hell out of my assigned boundaries, by taling to people I'm not suppposed to talk to, helping people I'm not supposed to help and learning all kinds of things I'm not supposed to learn, and generally pretending that I have a whole hell of a lot more authority than I do on paper (this is not altruism, merely the product of frustration and curiosity).
When I say 'useless' I mean, 'having no lasting benefit to distinguish it from any other degree'. Which is to say yeah you're supposed to learn a lot of 'life lessons' at university, etc., but you can learn those at any post-secondary institution, taking any degree. Hell, many people learn those lessons better by NOT being in school. If the degree does not provide you either the certification or skills to allow you to do a job that is either lucrative or satisfying (maybe even both), if it could have been swapped for any other degree with the same effect on your life, then it was by and large, useless.
If you are fine with your current career track, then so be it. But there is a difference between acknowledging that you will not attain the dreams of your childhood and 'settling for less'.
EDIT (5 new posts, etc): Based on your last two posts, I wouldn't call your degree useless. Underutilized, perhaps, but not useless. And underutilization is something that is largely a matter of the opinion of the degree holder.