Currently, I've hit one of those rock bottoms.
Did the army thing. Then did the reserve thing fulltime. Rode the pony, led the section, realized that it didn't take much to have good workdays... and so forth. Then some piece of paper that isn't my fault got the base surgeon to say no to me instructing a qualification course in Kingston. So I'm sitting here on EI working partime.
To take it even further, I pulled an office space yesterday, but instead of the hypnotherapy, I just starred at my uniform while overhearing supervisors curse out the name of people who are more technically competent than them, or myself combined and said 'fuck it' and went on my bike instead without saying a word. Got a date for the weekend, picked out a costume for a party the next night, enrolled for A+ certification, worked an afternoon in a
Kabuki cab, then spent the night at a beach with people banging on drums.
I'm at a point where "doing all day" is going to be different.. It's nice.
I'm thinking of starting a blog again.