Well, I'm not going to mention any names, because from what I've seen of him, he's the kind of guy who would google himself just to see who's talking about him, and I don't want to bring that kind of crap in here.
A comics blog that I follow posted a
bit about Marvel's double-shipping schedule, and how it hurts the flow of the story. This editor popped up in the comments, and immediately started off with what seemed to me, and the guy who wrote the blog, a condescending tone. From that, and the fact that he later admitted he didn't really read the article before responding, it seemed to me like he was just looking for a fight. The dude who wrote the piece tried to respond civilly, but it just sort of degenerated from there.
A bit later, when someone I follow on twitter was defending him, I said as much! I also said that I could be totally wrong, because it's very hard to read intent and tone in text. This person agreed with me on that point, and thanked me for being civil, even when disagreeing with them.
Cut to several hours later, and the editor in question tweets at me. It's important to note that I'd never addressed him directly, on twitter or elsewhere, which means he went combing through the other person's tweets looking for someone talking about him. Rather than respond to my points, though, he decided he'd rather snark about my twitter profile.
Rather than take the bait, I simply responded, "Thanks for reminding me! I need to update that thing. SOOO 2011."
So yeah, that's the story of how a Marvel editor tried to troll me. Probably not as juicy as you guys were hoping, but it amused me, and didn't do much to change my view of Marvel as the bully of the comics playground.