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Author Topic: Review Request Records  (Read 1379 times)

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Review Request Records
« on: March 27, 2008, 09:10:28 PM »

Curious to hear the :wuv: that may or may not be pouring forth from the only branch of the internet I trust can reliably get opinions from by direct inquiry about the Crystal Chronicles DS game.

Also, alliteration always awesome?


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Re: Review Request Records
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2008, 09:42:27 PM »

It's cute, lots of voice acting, and you get to [spoiler]fight your undead Father[/spoiler], but I mostly just got sick of the dungeons and sick of the crappy AI. They are constantly walking into fire or ice or a hole. It's probably way better with friends. 

I'm also not a big fan of using a reticle to cast spells. Maybe the Secret of Mana ring menu makes the action a bit herky jerky, but at least you know you're going to hit your target, whether it be friend or foe.

I wrote these and some other things in not-the-best-review-I've-ever-written over here. I don't think it's a bad game, but I got frustrated playing it alone.


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Re: Review Request Records
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2008, 09:47:19 PM »

I guess I'm somewhat obligated to answer this query, my name being on the credits and all.

The game is hella fun with multiple people.  Singly, you can do the whole story thing or run around the multiplayer mode by yourself, whatever floats your boat.

The only thing is the solo game is easy.  Like, no-fucking-brainer easy.  Once you figure out the OoT style puzzle-dungeons the game devolves into hack-n-slash beat-em-up with a character that's actually difficult not to overpower with.

Multiplayer is a little better, since the monsters are of course powered up, and even though they're still just various sizes of fodder it's still a blast to mow them over with a small army.  You get the exact same dungeons in multiplayer that you get in solo, but they're altered slightly to suit and challenge your party makeup, which leads to interesting situations.  Oftimes you'll run into a Lost Vikings type of situation, where everybody needs to use their powers just the right way to make sure that the whole party can proceed.  It's usually simplistic but still satisfying.

There are also missions in Multiplayer, which tend to be pretty bullshit (FUCKING CATS GOD DAMN IT) but are nice if you're into coordinated efforts and such.

Oh, and if you do run Solo for the plot, be warned that it's pretty fucked up.  I actually made a post about this game back in the Childhood Trauma thread when I was testing it (HUGE SPOILERS DON'T GO LOOKING FOR IT).

So yeah in short this is a game for people with friends, definitely.  Friends with DSes and their own copies of the game, which might be a little limiting.  I'm not saying it's a BAD game for lonely people looking for a simplistic Action RPG, but you'd probably be served much better by Crisis Core or The World Is Awesome The World Ends With You.

Al Baron

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Re: Review Request Records
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2008, 10:43:55 PM »

I'm tempted to get The World Ends With You on the sole premise of letting SE know that new IPs are outstanding! I hope Sigma Harmonics does a lot better than that one did in Japan.

I guess I'm somewhat obligated to answer this query, my name being on the credits and all.
Belated congrats, I guess. What's the job description?


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Re: Review Request Records
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2008, 09:48:49 AM »

 I'm not saying it's a BAD game for lonely people looking for a simplistic Action RPG, but you'd probably be served much better by Crisis Core or The World Is Awesome The World Ends With You.

Crisis Core! Yes, I can't wait till I can afford an English version. I played a lot of it in Japanese, but there's a LOT of text in that game, so I wasn't getting too much of the plot.
I'm tempted to get The World Ends With You on the sole premise of letting SE know that new IPs are outstanding! I hope Sigma Harmonics does a lot better than that one did in Japan.

Cool, I hadn't heard of Sigma Harmonics yet. That sounds like it could be interesting. And I like those character designs despite how magic academy it feels.


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Re: Review Request Records
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2008, 10:21:02 AM »

What is it with Crystal Chronicle games having cute characters, beautiful environments, and startlingly dark world designs?

Anyway.  This is 9000 times better than Kingdom Hearts.  And yeah, the party AI is horrible, but play multiplayer.  You don't need GBA/GC link cables this time.
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