Dude is considering trading in Resident Evil 4 and other multiple games for a single title. Dude hasn't beaten Resident Evil 4. Dude hasn't played Resident Evil 4 past the tutorial stages.
I realized that buying games new is a high-risk investment around the same time I became old enough for it to be high-risk: when I became 18, bought God of War at release and realized I could've beaten the damn thing in a weekend.
So yeah, I'd advocate that you always wait wait wait wait wait wait wait until the title is dirt-cheap or you've determined you can't live without it. I got Fallout 3 for $50 after a few months and it's been worth every penny to me and I wasn't aware I needed it until Wiseman tricked me into watching him play it.
Maybe if you can just direct return it, which supports a shopping strategy of avoiding actual electronics stores and trawlin' around Walmart and shit. Sounds like a good time!
And well.. Force Unleashed? For the Wii?
I don't care what you do, you're already
dead ripped off.