There's a guy I know from work,
Scott. He's
REALLY INTENSE, but he's a real nice guy.
Brief story:
Scott's the frontman for an up-and-coming band* called
The Isosceles Project (we keep making fun of the name, calling them 'the triangle band'). The band plays long instrumental tracks, but is actually starring in an upcoming reality TV show where they look for a singer (it may already be on the air? I don't know, I don't watch these things...). The funny part is that Scott has a lot of professional pride and he's pretty sensible, so he wasn't going to do it at first. His first thoughts were:
"Reality TV? That's for fucking douchebags!"
"We'll be tainted as no-talent Reality TV idiots forever!"
"Some moron from, from...
Treblecharger will come and try to tell me I need to be more mainstream! Fuck That!"
... but then the director said he would let him troll the hell out of everyone who came on the show and do whatever they wanted, like, literally, not lip service**. The show had terrible ratings in its original season because the viewers thought it was phoney as hell, so they're trying desperate tactics for a make-or-break season. So they accepted, because hey, TV PUBLICITY.
Anyway, the funny part is that Scott started playing Magic last weekend, with all the nerdery that entails. I mean, I know that NERDS and METAL are a modern-day combo, but knowing Scott as I do, it's still
hilarious awesome. So instead of "BEAR-MAN NOT SUFFER FOOLS LIGHTLY", it's an innocent, child-like "Ohboyohboyohboy I cast a spell!"
*Like, an actual up-and-coming band. Not "My band is the next big thing, we are so awesome, you wouldn't believe! I swear!"
**For the cynical doubters, I believe this really is the case. I've heard of several stories like this: Scott & co. go to the TV Station, a famous teeny-bopper dance-show landmark (the MuchMusic Building), and stay across the street, waiting for the meeting where they see if the producers etc. like the band members. The director asks them what they're doing. Scott answers "Dude, it's the MUCH MUSIC building, we wouldn't be caught dead near that." The director laughs and shows them in via a back way. Either the director is a really good salesman, or this TV show will actually be very entertaining to watch.