Eh, more that other people are already saying what I'm saying. When I have a unique perspective (I'm still amused by that "Obama plagiarized an 18-year-old Simpsons episode" post) I'll share it.
It's different here because this is a forum, and, at least ideally, I have other people to respond to my posts. (Running a popular blog with a comments section is not the same thing, at all.)
Still, it bears thinking about. The Siegel story I posted about in the copyright thread has me reading up a lot more on the subject, and it's really a heartbreaking story. And there's so much about copyright law that just makes no goddamn sense. (Yeah, it's great that Congress gave creators the right to cancel copyright transfers, have to wait 56 years before you can do it? 56 YEARS?) Really I need to give Men of Tomorrow a read.
...Anyway. Pleased (and frightened) to hear I'm a major news source for some folks. Keep those suggestions coming so I can continue to be a good one.