So three new Tezuka books have been released since I stopped buying manga.
I'm torn on this sort of thing. I stopped reading pretty much all manga because:
1) it was just too expensive
2) It was getting increasingly difficult to find titles that weren't awful
I included Tezuka in that for reason number one. After decades of neglect, Viz and Vertical decided to start releasing pretty much every license they could get their hands on. Other companies followed suit and it just became hard to keep up with (though I'm glad I got every volume of Phoenix and Nextworld
just before they stopped printing half of them). I averaged it out one point, and I was spending about two dollars a day solely on Tezuka manga. And it just keeps coming and coming. Black Jack is nearly finished now, just in time for Vertical to announce that they're releasing
Princess Knight. It never stops. EDIT: Oh, and the
Book Of Human Insects.
...On the other hand, it's fucking Tezuka. With Chip Kidd covers. Guess I'm making an amazon trip.