Why the fuck is that bitch in the thread icon?
Also, I took a little bit more
Clonazepam than usual because I'm feeling sadder than usual.
Also, I am very sad today because all the whiteys are voicing their hate, long hidden in their icy cold gray hearts, for all 'spanics in the form of hating Sonic Sotomayor.
While I don't like that woman very much, all these crackers are making me feel bad about my inferior race. I know I'm not making sense but I am holding back the rage, I just feel like running over picnicking whiteys. I hate them so much.
Also, I am saddened by all the jokes being cracked at my expense. Are you people trying to hurt me? I thought youse guys were on my side and now your making fun of me. Why all the hate? I'm serious here, I just don't make sense because I'm sad.
I wish I could live in a country were I am not forced to belong to a group of people and I should be free to do what I want. Unfortunately I have to fit into a racial group that not only was fabricated by the white man but also shouldn't even exist. And I've been made fun of for "looking and acting" too white in both the USA and PR. I'm a shy, courteous man of means, I don't need to steal hubcaps or do other spic things.. and even If I was poor I wouldn't. I would just kill myself, like a ghostface would do.
Why? Why can't I be free? Why can't I listen to glam rock power ballads without feeling guilty? Why can't white women love me? Because of my alleged inferiority?
It's easy for you honkeys to point and laugh, but nobody cares what a white person does. White people can be whatever they want and they will not be measured against the few famous people of their own group. Newborn Rat Colored people can handglide and scuba and do ballet and nobody bats an eye, you are free. Nobody gets called an Oreo, or a twinky. Fuck, most of the shit white people like is not white. Tea, chocolate, sex, rock... they're not white inventions yet the white man rules over them all.
Alas, you are also free to make light of my suffering. I am not joking. Being forced to be this made-up ethnicy takes away my sense of self and turns me into a salsa-dancing, bean-eating, blond-raping robot. You do not understand my pain, and you never will. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!
Fuck you!
And Kabbage, fuck you extra!!!
Here's a stupid douche with a stupid essay:
Now, repeat after me: "Hispanic is not a race." Disregard nearly every U.S. Government form which asks for race and shake your head in dismay at the cultural ignorance of nearly every writer in practically every newspaper in the United States, yes! the United States, because the term "Hispanic" or the equally misused "Latino" is nowhere used in so many wrong applications as it is in our politically correct, but sometimes culturally incorrect nation.
Go ahead, pick any random issue of the Washington Post, or the latest book of essays by the great Camille Paglia or the wording in some of our 50 states' Equal Rights laws. You will also find countless medical surveys or economic studies where "races" are broken into Black, White, Asian and Hispanic; Congressional Black Caucus members complain that U.S. Government policy is different for Cubans because they are "light-skinned Hispanics." The samples go on and on.
For the last time: Hispanicism is NOT a race! Hispanicism is the cultural legacy which sometimes unites nearly every country in the New World south of California into a diverse group of peoples and races joined by a common language. Oh, by the way, I suppose one must throw in Spaniards, although I was shocked and amazed to listen to a San Francisco Mexican-American politician declare a few years ago that " Spaniards were not Hispanic because they were Europeans and white."
There are white Hispanics (Cuban-American actress Cameron Diaz and Spanish actor Martin Sheen a.k.a. Guillermo Estevez and his warren of sons come to mind), Black Hispanics (the late great Puerto Rican baseball player (and one of my childhood heroes) Roberto Clemente), Asian Hispanics (Peru's former President, Señor Alberto Fujimori), Indian Hispanics (sorry, but the term Native American is not widely used in Latin America and somehow the term "Native American Hispanics" just seems odd) and the 46,656 possible permutations found in colonial Spain's attempts to codify the races into 16 possible marriage mixtures. Since many Hispanics or Latinos are white (especially in Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and of course Spain) and some are black (also Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, etc.) and a small number Asian (Central and South America) and a large number are mestizo (most of Central America and Mexico) it is complete nonsense to categorize them as one race.
Given the huge cultural diversity among the people we call Hispanic in this country, it must be understood that the term comprises many ethnic groups and it is an arrogant and ignorant error to classify them, in race-obsessed America, as a "new" race. The key here is to recognize that there is ethnic and cultural diversity not only in our nation as a whole, but also within Latin American Hispanics as well. While Cubans may be culturally and historically closer to Spain and the United States, Mexicans are fiercely proud of their Indian heritage and Argentines share strong cultural and blood ties not only to Spain but also to Italy and Germany.
It is then no wonder then that we Hispanics shake our heads in disbelief when we read that Coppola initially wanted to film "Evita" in Mexico City. For anyone who has taken a stroll in the wide, elegant avenues of sophisticated Buenos Aires or has shopped in the wonderfully colorful markets of overcrowded Mexico City , the differences are as clear as black and white (yes, yes, pun intended).
I feel used and abused. I feel like old white senators and AM radio talkshow hosts are throwing me around and putting me in cute little outfits for their enjoyment and so they can point and laugh at me and call me a Macaca or a reverse racist or a hubcap stealing lowlife. I just like playing videogames and sleeping.