Yep, that was a wash. Anyway, I've packed a few mods into a jar. This is very very unofficial so if you share it around don't let it get traced back here.*****.zip (replace ***** with the Default Pyoko Password (tm))
This includes:
* Aether (like nether, but make a frame of glowstone and ignite it with a bucket of water for a magical land)
* Millenaire (small villages around the landscape: go into the big mansions and right-click on the npc that greets you to trade)
* TooManyItems (for when you're tired of foraging for items)
* Smart Moving (primary uses: TAB to run, CTRL to grab ledges, SHIFT + CTRL to crawl)
* Zipline (2x string = rope, arrow + 8x rope to make a rope and arrow: craft this arrow with 8 more rope to make the rope longer)
* Recipe Book (lets you see every available recipe)
* Minimap (obvious)
* Somnia ("fixes" sleeping, lets you sleep during the day)
* Treecapitator (axes cut trees instantly: only regular axes with regular logs)
* Death Chest (die with chest on inventory to place it with your items)