Man, I don't know what's going on, but the creepers have a fucking Jihad against Starr on our LAN server.
She built a monastery on top of a mountain. Every morning there are like, seven eight creepers outside the front door (this is not hyperbole). They even stated blowing their way inside and tonight they practically DRILLED DOWN to her. She was digging in a lower level and they blew up the roof, and the next three floors down just to get to her. As in, there were new holes they blew up to get to her - even though they were several floors away to start. I have no idea how the first explosions could have even triggered without player proximity.
She had the building sealed off, and the whole damn mountaintop was practically blanketed with torches on every square. Day, night, it just doesn't matter.
I thought maybe I was sending her the creepers from my section of the map somehow but the same day she had the drill strike, I had a bunch in my village (no worse than usual).
I have no clue what creeper god she blasphemed, but this is way out of line, even for regular mob nonsense.