Yeah, I recently played through VP again, but I want to save some of my commentary about it for the next WPE. I will say that, if you're playing Hard mode, try to level as little as possible. There's a Harpy boss that, if you can get her to drop it, gives you a bracelet of Zoe (+300 DME per level up). You can get a second one by getting a manticore sometime in Chapter 3 I think, and if you stagger your levels, you'll be rolling in the DME. You can also transmute the Golden Eggs that the Golden Fowl (an artifact) creates every chapter in to Bracelets of Zoe.
With two on a character each time you level up, around the mid-70s or so, everyone will hit the DME cap at 90000 DME. The only exception to this is Lezard Valeth, who starts at level 30 in the Seraphic Gate with an abysmally low DME count. The solution? Feed him some Ambrosia (+6000 DME).