Having actually spent time with the big moment I've been dreading, I'm going to just toss it out there anyway.
The past few weeks have been this house descending into a depressive insanity. Internally, my mother is adapting to her cancer extremely poorly and is prone to just spending days sort of wandering around the house in a daze, pausing only to eat, sleep, bio, and cry. My dad's health deteriorates as well from seeing this, as well as learning that his own mother's mental state due to Alzhimers and other problems has gone so far down the hellhole that she's been lying to the entire family my dad is in to put him and all his siblings against each other, by saying how badly each one's treating her, and now he has to go out there and try to get shit sorted out (and there's a terrifying fucking chance her health's so far gone that she may bite it)
And today my aunt gets here, the smoking, drinking, narcissistic, racist, prejudicial aunt who, when my mother had cancer, called her up and told her to just "Get over it" after hearing how badly she was taking it.
On top of all this, my math class has been schitzophrenic due to the teacher first assinging tons of homework, realizing he'd have to grade it, scaling it back, and then the local case of a 16 year old who raped a 5 year old, and when she woke up in the middle of it, beat her to death and then finished, he was a family friend and he was completely fucking out of it this whole past week.
...so yeah if I've seemed weird, distant, or just nonresponsive this past few weeks this is kind of why.