Over the better part of the past ten hours, I have watched my partner rewrite code which I spent the past two weeks on, and which was working fine as of this afternoon.
Now, this only bruised my ego for about the first fifteen minutes. I have a certain amount of pride in my work and of course it's never fun to watch somebody completely dismiss something you've spent so many hours on. But objectively, he knows Flash better than I do -- I have literally learned it in the aforementioned two weeks -- and his code is easier to read.
But also objectively, you do not fucking rewrite code that works the night before it's due. I don't care how ugly it is, if you're rewriting it it had better be because you have finished ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ELSE on the project.
As I write this, it is 1 AM and we have still not caught up to where I was at 3:00. And we still have to code a GUI. And finish the writeup. And a PowerPoint, if we don't finish the GUI. And there is a homework assignment due tomorrow which we have both barely started which looks like it will take four hours.
So really, the fact that it was my code that got taken out isn't the point. The point is that I could be in bed now -- or at the very least, finishing up that homework assignment -- if I weren't working with a guy who would rather spend ten hours rewriting code than take XML as the input language.
Also he's been very snotty about the whole thing.