hey guys what's up in this thread
R^2 Okay so.
R^2 I have one quarter left to go before I graduate.
R^2 I can't register for classes next quarter because I have a financial hold on my account to the tune of $2000.
R^2 I have this hold because they think I need twelve more credit hours -- two quarters left -- to graduate, and are charging me fees and tuition for that time as part of my overall financial plan.
R^2 They think this because the transcript sent by Atlanta when I moved here was sent before the grades from Winter 2011 were in, so I have twelve credit-hours labeled as "in progress", rather than a completed letter grade.
R^2 I can get rid of this hold with a transcript from AI Atlanta, which shows that, hey, I actually got As in those three classes already and don't need to take them here.
R^2 That would mean I owe no money to the Nashville campus.
R^2 So I went to Atlanta to get a transcript. They faxed one in, so everyone here totally knows I passed those classes, but they need a mailed version to be Official-with-a-capital-O.
R^2 Atlanta will not mail a transcript, because I have a financial hold there.
CnC How is that possible?
R^2 I was told that the outstanding balance I had in Atlanta would be folded into my financial plan in Nashville. This did not -- perhaps cannot -- happen.
CnC >_<
R^2 So I have to figure out how to pay AI Atlanta nearly $4000 before they will mail a transcript that will release my hold here that will allow me to register that will allow me to take my last two classes that will allow me to graduate.
R^2 Ta-da!
CnC is frustrated on your behalf
CnC Wouldn't that $4000 be paid for by your financial aid?
R^2 That is $4000 not covered by loans or financial aid, AKA Why I Was Making Monthly Payments.
R^2 Now known as Why Should I Still Make Monthly Payments When A Whole Goddamn Year of Schooling Isn't Happening Now
CnC Why can't this get rolled in at AI Nashville? Because they won't file the paperwork?
R^2 I think it's just not something they do. Despite being owned by the same company they have different financial aid departments. I like to think there's a sort of barely-hidden rivalry simmering between campuses, so they kind of hate to talk to each other, but that might just be my imagination.
CnC But they told you they could at first, right?
CnC Who told you this? Atlanta?
R^2 Some faceless drone at the Atlanta campus. Don't remember who, of course.
CnC Did you tell whoever you talked to that someone told you this?
R^2 It's easier for the people I'm talking to to believe I'm either lying to cover my ass, or that there are incompetent faceless drones in Atlanta, than to change policy.
CnC So what are your options?
R^2 I don't know yet. I have a meeting with the head of financial aid here tomorrow morning.
R^2 But it might involve "take a quarter off for the summer and work my ass off to come up with $4000". Which leads me back to looking for work. :F
R^2 In fact this is such a succinct summary I think I may well post it in the forums.