If it's not one of your front teeth get it pulled. Root canals are a great way for dentists to revenue, since most of the time they're going to result in you going back to get it extracted in a couple of years anyway.
How are you supposed to deal with the gap in your teeth, exactly? That's going to cause problems down the line.
Live in Oklahoma.
Seriously, Mars, don't listen to this advice. It is bad advice. Crowns are excellent.
Wow, I instantly regret any time I have ever defended you. That was a low blow. Get fucked, dude.
Buge, I've had a few of my back molars extracted because it was the choice between a root canal and an extraction. An extraction's about a hundred bucks, a root canal is about 900 but all the pre-crown work is another 1500. I debated about it, but my dentist was actually honest with me about it and told me about half the time the root canal doesn't work and they have to pull the tooth anyway. Even if they dont, you're living in borrowed time, because eventually the crown will fail and you'll still have to get the tooth pulled!
If it's not one of your front teeth nobody will ever notice it, and you get used to moving food around to avoid the gap, or you don't notice the gap at all since the food gets minced by the teeth around it. It's subconcious, like chewing with the other side of your mouth when you get a toothache. You don't even think about it.