I found out today that there seems to be basically no jobs nearby that I can apply for, online, at least, I've been so depressed about being screwed over by my last job, and because of all the changes in my life, i've just been feeling hugely shitty all the time, and don't even want to leave my room most of the time because I just feel like I can't deal with anything lately.
I'm really regretting leaving my job, even though there was nothing I could really do about it, I couldn't afford to live in that area by myself, The house I had before where I could live by myself was a fluke, really, just luck that I got it, and that was filled up again nearly as soon as I left.
I dunno, I just feel like i'm in a bit of an unwinnable situation, I don't know what to do, I need to apply for ten jobs a fortnight for centrelink, but in my searching, I haven't found a single one that I can even apply for.
I dunno what to do, I don't wanna spend five years trying to get a stable job like I did when I was last unemployed, but I can't seem to get a job. :( You guys need to live in australia and own stores so I can work there for minimum wage.