As I've complained about before in vent and IRC, there's a door right next to my computer in my room that leads outside. The door has never had a lock or closed properly and with the wind here, blows open quite regularly. Tonight it was particularly bad and out of frustration I used a towel / duct tape hybrid to try and seal it completely.
As some of our more astute readers may notice, there's also a garbage bag over it. That would be because the technique worked perfectly, and instead of the door blowing open, the plate glass window simply shattered. If you note the location of the chair, it did this just a few inches from my face.
After the initial freaking out and covering of the new hole in my room, another gust came and pushed what was left of the glass through the bag and sliced my arm (fortunately not going through it). Deciding there must be some solution to make everything better again because things can't possibly get this shitty this late at night I wake my mom up and tell her about the problem (yeah, she slept through a night of the door slamming open and closed and a window exploding). Enraged at me for obviously having broken the window myself because wind "could never do that" and not using her strategy of tying the door closed (when I first moved up here there was a ribbon tying the handle of the storm door to the knob of the main door. The ribbon has since ripped from the force of the door blowing open and the storm door knocked off its hinge, not that it would have prevented the window from shattering in any way) she once again kicked me out of the house. Proving that, yes, things really can get that shitty that late at night.
Now, I've never wanted to live with my mom, and yeah I've been kicked out of her house many times before and always ended up back here, but really feel like that can't be an option any more. Unfortunately my declining financial situation has left me stranded. Now with no prospects for a job and fifteen dollars to my name I'm hoping my mom is even more drunk than usual and wont remember any of tonight when she wakes up tomorrow, or I honestly don't know where I'll be going.