I have a tendency to get a bit paranoid so uh, this could just me baselessly overthinking things, but say your roommate is in charge of the wireless network and router and all that jazz, and is hells of computer savvy. With such limitless power, is it conceivable this individual could spy on one's searches, computer content, stuff like that? N-not to imply I search for anything but updated weather reports, breaking dinosaur-related developments and The Wall Street Journal Online, of course. Just wondering.
I... I may have perhaps once at one point by accident searched the internet for pornography. I was not proud of it, nor did I enjoy the images that forced themselves onto my computer screen, I was hopped up on drugs and thought to hell with the consequences.
Anyways I've got spybot and clamwin and four massive panning cameras mounted in all corners of my room so I wouldn't think such a thing would be on my end. Would you please computassure me