Blaz Blue is a extremely sick game. I think it's even better than Guilty Gear. Anyway, Why isn't there a topic on this awesome game?
I dunno, it kinda sucks? -- besides the fact it's beautiful and has the best attempt at a story mode in a fighter by a wide margin!
- Terrible throw system. Throw tech window is big enough that some people will be virtually unthrowable, while others who aren't gifted with pretty good reaction will be doomed to each the occasional throw combo. OH YEAH THROWS DON'T PRORATE EITHER. So prepare to take huge damage. Also throwing during hit stun is obnoxious and has a throw window so big that it exists only as a shenangians feature. Oh yeah you can throw break Tagers 360s and 720s if you tick into them. WAT
- Game punishes defensive play to a retarded level. Guard crushes in a game with crazy pressure strings is already super chancy. Then you have negative penalty that makes you take a megaton more damage for just playing smart sometimes. The time is so low for some characters that it seems to come out of no where. WTF, game.
- Bursting is unnecessarily punishable. It's worse then GG bursts raw attack data (slower, easier to punish), and also punishes you more! Loss of barrier block AND 150% damage? REALLY GAME?!
- The normals in this game are terrible. Melty Blood and other doujin fighters have a distinct feel that seems to come from the fact that these games have really short ranged normals and any mid ranged normal is super slow (say a ground slide or something). I like to call these loli normals. Yeah, this game is loaded with loli normals. Theres no footsies. You're either right on top of each other or across the screen. Even Tager has loli normals! Any move he has with any range is either bad outside of combos (Forward C) or slow and hell (D). Potemkin has untechable throws, long ranged normals, better mobility and was NOT PUNISHED FOR BLOCKING A BIT TOO MUCH and he took incredible buffs in Accent Core to make good.
- Terrible balance. Sure it's a first release, but oh wow, you make a game with all crazy projectile zoners and then other animu fighters with loli normals and then make the game punish blocking and defensive play and OH GEE I WONDER WHAT THE TIER LIST IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE. Nu, Rachel and Arakune. Big surprise there. Also Nu is retardly made. Mash D for the win.
This game needs a lot of changes to graduate from 'shiny! :D' to 'legitimately good'. Of those changes, they're all reasonably possible besides the shitty normals -- but oh well, I play melty blood too sometime.
To be nice, here are the upsides!
- I said this game looks great, right?
- And that Story mode?
- If you hold a button down to try and do a 'link', it will repeat the move for the next 5 frames! In laymens terms, it makes it harder for the game to have difficult to time combos!
- Actually the game is just really easy to play. If I couldn't play it with only minimal training mode time, I wouldn't bother at all
- No FRCs! No arbitrary 2 frame window to cancel a move! Hooray! (wait for them in the next revision) :(
- Lots of excellent porn fodder.
- The tech/rolling system is cool if you learn how to punish people for rolling and stuff. Still needs tweaks, though
All this said, I play Jin, Hakumen and Tager and will play anyone on PSN who wants to play from here. I wouldn't mind beating up a non-aintaer. The game is kinda shitty, but is strangely fun, which is why I hope they manage to fix things up.
edit: also I don't blame anyone for liking the game -- especially people who don't really seriously play fighters. I'M JUST SAYIN', GUYZ. Not here to ruin anyones fun or anything! :D