Despite everything he just complained about, he's playing it every time I go to his house.
Thats not true! When neither Aintaer or AJ were around for awhile, all Patito and me played was SF4. :<
But yes, if thats what other people want to play, I'll still play it.
I dont understand why Bang is considered low tier (other than that fucking nail rain super, jesus fuck it is lousy)
and the Lack of range on nearly everyone annoys me too
and the downsides to burst make it not worth fucking bothering with a good 90% of the time
Bang just doesn't have a lot of abusable stuff. He's not so much low tier like Hakumen or Tager (because of big character deficits) but more because of a lack of anything particularly good. He has solid rush down and good defense, but deals little damage, has a limit on the amount of nails he can throw and doesn't really have any powerful gimmicks. Bang Install is cool, but by the time you can do it most other characters could have comboed someone to death. He's still pretty cool though. Patito and I think he's one of the most original character in the game.
We have come a bit since the first guilty gear. It took time to go form Guilty Gear to Accent Core. I can only hope that BlazBlue get's more awesome as it goes along.
Well lets be realistic here. Guilty Gear was made for no money and was really extra badly bad. Guilty Gear X or more so, GGXX are a better starting point of comparison in terms of systems, experience, money and balance. Guilty Gear XX had a decent bit of dumb shit going for it too, but a fundementally more sound fighting system. But yes, Guilty Gear has come a long way and Blazblue has the same potential! :D ...... sorta. They sorta kneecapped themselves in a few places, but they CAN get over them.
Hopefully with less rehashes and rereleases this time.
While this is a good hope, I do want to clear up something. More revisions and rereleases are -good for games-. Heres one thing people don't quite no. All these revisions are not made in an attempt to charge people for the same product again(unless it's something like GGAC+, which is just mean). The console fighter market in Japan is such a second thought, which is why it takes so long for the games to even come out on console to begin with. These updates though are FREE to arcade operators (unless you're an asshole developer, like the guys who made Arcana Heart. The idea is the money comes from maintaining interest in the game. This is also why they're rarely huge, sequel like revisions.
It sorta sucks dick that we get shafted, money wise, by this.... but whatever. I rather have maintained games then unmaintained games that are 'good enough' and the average joe (you guys) have no reason to buy these revisions.
I hope in the future we see these updates as properly priced DLC.... Though I also sorta doubt it, and that DOES disappoints me. :(