I will not double post in the Transformers thread, because you are not the boss of Cannon.
Revenge of the Fallen created a new, lower standard for big, loud, and stupid summer action movies. You know how most every Michael Bay flick has a frenzied goofball who is quite the character? At some point before he made Revenge, he fired the guy that said he could only have one such dolt per movie, because they are all over the place here.
So the eponymous villain's motive makes no sense (beyond the plot necessity of someone having to be evil and set events into motion), I would not want to share close quarters with any man who thinks dogs humping and "wrecking balls as testicles" are choice gags, and the idiotic mess felt at least forty-five minutes too long. I could cherrypick somewhat mythical themes and Transformer-y bits that I latched on to, but I could not divorce them from the work itself. That's often how it is with movies that are objectively mediocre, bad, or just plain horrible, but that I am otherwise entertained and engaged by.
I still smiled and almost cheered at certain parts of this mass of cinematic junk food, and I am planning to see it again. Probably on my birthday, since box office makes the case that it'll still be in theaters then. Something is broken within me.
...As for the previous "lower standard" remark, yeah, that's exaggeration. I have no idea if there's any redeeming typical summer action schlockbusters; I just wanted to sound like a fancypants.