Wreck-it Ralph was decent. Although it had its share of weak moments. Specifically the moral of the story; they had ample opportunity to make it something like "be proud of who you are," but nope, it came off way more like "Never try to get a better lot in life because it will just end horribly." Yes, they did win in the end, but only when everyone went back to their assigned roles.
Also, since I was running on Jew-Time--worrying about being late and showing up 15 early--when I sat down in the theatre, and for most of the time between then and the movie starting, I was probably the only non-parent over the age of 12 and I felt like at any moment I would have to assure one of the children's parents that I wasn't a pedophile and the fact that the three rows of seats directly in front of mine were full of virtually nothing but little girls was a complete coincidence and I indeed got there a good few minutes before any of them sat down.