Yes I know that's not really the point of the site, but I saw you the first time.
Actually, I've done stuff like this plenty of times, metting up with "specific interest"-based groups IRL that I met online. Games, motorbikes, mopeds, lots of things. They're often nice enough, but I never really connect with folks like that. I'm the kind of guy that is friendly with most folks, but only has a very small number of very good friends that I have cultivated carefully. All my true strong relationships happen like that. I'm the kind of guy that spnds a lot of time finding those few really trustworthy and golden friendships so that I can shoot the shit easily with people.
I need to talk to people a lot. I enjoy the sound of my own voice talking to people. Part of the problem is that I get ideas, but they're all in a vacuum. I need to talk to people to bounce stuff off of them and work things out, artistically, career-wise, current events, whatever. I LOVE that stuff and for anything creative I do it's CRITICAL. But I meet people slowly, so the supply never meets the demand.
Most of my longterm friends have very literally ruined their lives in the years since I met them, so while I have not abandoned them, I can't burden them with my nattering bullshit. Plus some of them have developed oddball view points or else they have withdrawn entirely into shells so conversation is now strained. Koipond is the last guy left that I can talk to about any of my projects and while he's fantastic to work with, I don't see him much and he's too busy for me to impose like that anyway. And quite frankly, once I realized that I was always the guy who called other people and not vice versa, I stopped imposing myself on others like that. People don't want me around, then damn right they shouldn't have to put up with some uninvited jackass.
As for career goals and things like that, well, the less said about those, the better. Let's just say I never had very high ones, but damned if I could even manage a bare minimum.
You know I know everyone here is sick of hear my occasional lapses into Soracross, the only reason I even post this garbage here is because I literally have nobody else to tell.
I will now resume my normal existence as an ignorant meme-spouting prick.