When someone complains about not getting enough socialization and then flat out states they don't want to do anything to socialize, most of us just call that annoying.
Okay I really am going to drop this argument in a minute, but this comment is something I can't let slide any more.
At what point did anybody ask me what I would do if I actually had the free time to do it?
The answer, of course, is "Go hiking, or sailing, or mountain climbing." Because those are things I enjoy, obviously. None of those activities are anywhere close to the things you see on Paco's precious website, by the way. Those people are fucking feebs.
This whole thing started when I made the broad claim that doing a bunch of uninteresting shit like take up Bible studies or learn Russian or yes,
play kickball, is a bad bet when you're trying to meet people. If you think what you're doing isn't very interesting, versus what you
could be doing that
is interesting, then your chances of finding people who, oh hey,
are interested in what you're actually interested in are significantly reduced.
Paco then made the claim that everybody should go do shit they hate in order to find other people who have gone out and done shit they hate which I keep mentally associating with the sad girl who stands on a ledge hoping that some guy will talk her down and then become her boyfriend.
(For the record, I have been that guy.)
Where my rejection of that claim became some broad assumption that I am some sort of Grinch-like character who's all like "Activities? BAH!" is beyond me, but I blame the lazy application of the very few things you people know about the person at this keyboard to some sort of fictional, Grinch-like character that you read about in high school. I actually broke kayfabe long enough to tell you how the fuck I got to this point, and that went basically ignored, so basically it's devolved into pigeonholing me as some sort of shut-in, future mass murderer stereotype.
I don't appreciate that. It's a type of rude that is beyond the realm of what we typically consider cute around here. I don't care if you don't see beyond my comedy internet persona, because frankly I don't
want you guys to, but at least have the decency not to judge people you don't want to take the time to understand.