It could go a long way to helping a lot of people by creating a freer sexual landscape and de-mystifying the opposite sex. However, it would seem on casual observation that free group groping is appealing in part for the anonymity it might offer. If you're a member of a con simply wearing a pin saying you'd like to be a member of creepy groping, part of the draw would be that you aren't identifiable and the stigma that would (and should?) arise from being so desperate for human contact wouldn't stick. Unfortunately, the kind of objectification that I assume goes along with this kind of interaction seems harmful, at the very least, I'd feel guilt for avoiding the stigma the practice seeks to erase! If this is even a good idea at all, it seems like an unhealthy practice that would transition to a healthy one. Perhaps one where women don't feel that they alone carry a culture's sexual honor.
And another edit to say Kazz is lying, 'cause he grabs my boobs all the time. In the middle of me changing or drying off from a shower, etc, any time.
Of course he does! Boobs ARE GREAT!
Hooray for Boobies!
In the meantime, whenever I'm thrown even a moderately sized body of text, my instinct is to run far away (see how I'm still "trying" to get through Lolita). So I haven't actually read anything that this man has said, or the scary (i.e. FULL OF WORDS) fallout that's resulted from it.
While the idea of groping someone randomly is somewhat appealing, the fact of the matter is I've been pretty damned
lately and have occasionally been flailing about in delirium in vain attempts to regain any sort of sensical orientation to the rational landscape. I.E. Classic has been without hugs for a week and he's FALLING APART! PITY IS DUE!
Ahem, err, yes... Enough
Edit: Initially the meaty, not totally worthless part of the post came second. It is separated by a horizontal reference. The "not a joke" part of the post now misses some measure of context, but that's something to review after actually reading what I'm trying to respond to.