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Author Topic: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!  (Read 1752 times)

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Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« on: October 25, 2009, 01:03:44 AM »

Greetings youthful males and females!

As you might have predicted, I'm being overcome by the urge to create some highly educational recordings of the new Big Thing so that those of you who have not - perhaps foolishly - put down your money without knowing much about what you're getting into can see what the game is like, and make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to join us in our frolicking through the dusty desolation of Pandora.  Also I want to make a bunch of videos where I do a lot of stupid shit in a potentially neat game.  MAINSTREAM'D!

So rather than make this another boring bit where you watch me fumble around and shout HUGE PRIEST!!! constantly, I've decided to give you, dear viewers, control over the major decisions I make throughout the series.  Starting with the first and most important one: who the hell am I?

Also note that I'm not planning to blind LP this - I actually want to enjoy this game and will probably spend at least a couple days dicking around with it free of the pressures of showmanship.  So don't be disappointed if by the time I actually start this I'm not exactly jumping repeatedly into the chocolate river.

More details forthcoming, but for now... choose your destiny.  I mean, choose my destiny.

...I may have just gotten myself into something horrible.

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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 06:59:11 AM »

Death Knight.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 01:34:14 PM »

I guess I should actually provide some info on each choice, for the lazy:

Mordecai: Sniper/Hunter.  Specializes in long range rifles and pistols, has a sort of attack bird that seeks and destroys shit for him.  Oddly enough has a lot of skills that increase experience and loot drops for the party, despite the fact that he himself is almost always the last to get to the loot.  Or because of, I don't know.
Lilith: Spy/Rogue or Pyro/Warlock, depending on how you build her.  Has the ability to turn invisible and do ridiculous melee damage to people, or alternately to exaggerate the elemental effects of her weapons and DoT/Stun/Nuke/Status things to death.
Roland: Some sort of freaky Medic/Engineer hybrid.  Shaman, I guess.  Has the amazing power of HEALING FISTS/BULLETS/ROCKETS/WHATEVER, as well as being able to erect the DISPENSO-SENTRY, a crazy amalgam of dispenser and sentry.  There are probably ways to build him as a decent standard assault class but really, the guy's there for epic support abilities.
Brick: Heavy/Soldier hybrid, Warrior.  Basically a huge, angry block of meat.  Can specialize in either punching the shit out of everything, blowing everything the fuck up, or soaking up damage like some sort of black hole of pain.  Either way... he's really, really big.

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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 01:39:51 PM »

I would play the shit out of Mordecai or Lilith, but I think we all know there is only one option for Brentai. He needs to be huge.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2009, 08:28:46 AM »

Mordecai: 2
Roland: 3
Lilith: 2
Brick: 2

It's official: people want to see the HEALING FISTS.  Or maybe the chocolate rain, who knows.

Next, even though most people don't even have a working familiarity with how the game works yet, I'm gonna ask y'all to decide what Roland's first skill should be (it doesn't start until level 5, which probably won't take long in game terms but in LP terms...).  Here's Roland's official skill tree.  Also note that to get Cauterize (the Healing Weapon skill) you need to put points into Fitness or Aid Station first.  Just sayin'.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2009, 10:08:00 AM »

Go down Support first, then Infantry, then 5 for Healing Sentry.

Alternatively, go down Support first, toss the five in Healing Sentry, and then go for Infantry.

Basically, I really like the skill that reduces the cooldown of your turret by 100%. It'll also make the sentry shoot a bit better and feed you ammo. I could see you bouncing over to Healing Sentry any time, really, since it'll shortly give you a static defensive position that feeds you bullets AND health.

I dunno how good Supply Pick-ups actually are. You could always ignore those since the 100% cooldown reduction on the sentry seems like the game-breaker and go into Infantry sooner. I guess it depends on how long it takes you to wish that the boss you were shooting would fucking die.

Edit: Took out the "Shoot an enemy, Sentry cooldown decreases" ability because your cooldown is already 100% gone! Now you can get +15% all-guns and +15% shotguns for 130% shotguns! Or.. Assault Rifles, if you're willing to wait.

But really, Super shotguns + permanent turret? I'm making you into the Engineer. Make me proud.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2009, 10:15:34 AM »

If Supply Boxes aren't that important, here's an alternative so you can actually directly medic people.

I also just realized that if you follow my build idea, you'll be a Combat Medic Dickhole who has to tell people that no, he's going down the Healer tree MUCH later. Awesome. Guaranteed drama and hilarity if you party with actual hugh-mans.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2009, 10:20:37 AM »

If you want to be an oddball and continue listening to my advice..

Alternative that drops one point in universal +3% damage to get another on-kill effect. I dunno how much recoil matters though.

One nice thing about this system is that unlike in WoW, where 1 of 3 in a talent makes you a gibbering retard, this system seems to have a lot of on-death/on-shot effects you can stack!

So you get the permanent sentry that feeds you ammo, health and supply packs(but it's eight seconds, even if your entire team needs them before a boss or something, you can just huddle there for a minute and suck it up.) Your get the revive skill, although at 14% that'll involve mashing the thing until it works in downtime or while Brick tanks. Then you even manage to get all the way down Infantry, giving you a stronger sentry bullet spread, your super shotgun skills, and it can even shoot missiles, albeit slowly.

The main difference here is that you can do a little bit of everything and as you murder enemies you get free grenades and shield boosts, which seems handy if floods of tiny shit attack or you need to farm up grenades before a tough fight!


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2009, 10:24:57 AM »

Fuck you Brentai now I'm looking through my console games for things I can trade into GameStop.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2009, 01:33:23 PM »

I'm dicking around with Roland now and there's a few things to note:

* The Turret doesn't last very long (it's got a health bar AND a 20-second timer) and has a pretty long recharge time (100 seconds according to the skill tree).  It also seems to attract a lot of aggro, to the point where enemies will almost ignore me walking right up and shooting them in the face in order to attack it.  So its utility as a sort of portable aid station is kind of questionable.
* Enemies (at least the low level ones) are hilariously retarded when it comes to grenades.  They'll see them, they'll shout, and then they'll basically run back and forth with the thing ticking away at their feet.
* You get MIRV GRENADES as a reward for beating the tutorial boss.  This game really does not like to disguise its ridiculousness.

Really thinking Grenadier is the skill to have (in addition to Cauterize of course) in light of how totally damned sweet grenades are in this game.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2009, 01:39:54 PM »

Well, following TF2 logic(your sentry rules but everything wants to kill it), using a presumably close ranged shotgun to punish dudes literally ignoring you to hit your sentry is an awesome sandwich two-play that I use in TF2 to a retardedly powerful degree. The best engineers leave corpses with giant holes in the sides of torsos.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2009, 05:33:07 PM »

Well, it's difficult, but it looks like I can make this work.  I'll see if I can get started recording tonight.

In the meantime, there's a very important decision to make.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2009, 06:23:21 PM »

actually playing the game, yeah, your sentry's health becomes irrelevant as it'll almost always rip through things before it dies, you can stand there and absorb some health/ammo, and yes, if things start mobbing it, swap to shotgun/rocket launcher and make them game. Or toss a grenade.

Roland rules. He actually has one of the smoothest/easiest starts and eventually becomes an absolute God of support and combat control. INFINITE AMMO.


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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2009, 12:48:25 AM »

The first stumbling steps with duoing Mordecai/Lilith with Doom just a bit ago was mostly as a result of realizing we were no longer playing on a two Roland team with awesome guns.
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Re: Interactive Let's Play Borderlands!
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2009, 12:12:55 AM »

Sorry, I can't get this to work with my current setup.

Thanks for playing though!