[spoiler]Cartel Clear and Jarvia fight were actually ridiculously easy and I double and triple checked my difficulty because of it.[/spoiler]
How to Trivialize [Spoiler]Jarvia[/spoiler] Fight:
1. Hit Hold
2. Mulch white goons that melee
2a. Make sure [spoiler]Jarvia[/spoiler] is hitting a tank. Rock Salve applies, you're not moving for this entire fight.
3. Kill [spoiler]Leske or whatever other white/yellow goons are here. Leske shows up if you're Dwarf Commoner, at least.[/spoiler]
4. Ranged execute white archers.
5. Damage boss until add wave.
6. Still not moving? Good. Ranged execute new white archers. Shale's throw boulder was a delight here.
7. Boss has a bow but will inevitably always run up to you for some beatings.
8. You win.
9. Kill the yellow assassins that didn't aggro because they spawn out of line of sight if you've been holding at the entry door the entire time.
What can I say? If Bioware wants to pull Conversation->Reposition Party->Fight Start, they can hardly fault me for actually working it into my favor for once..
Now for the last 3/5 of Orzammar..
[spoiler]The Deep Roads! MORE DEEP ROADS and BROODMOOOOOTHER! And then oh god that Anvil Forge boss on Nightmare oh god.[/spoiler]
I get the feeling the difficulty is about to actually peak and roll-over to normal since I've got level 14 on everybody now. Wynne in Armor! Leliana launching wolves from her cross-bow! Me and Alistair doin' double Holy Smite + War Cry! YEAAAAAAH!
I see what you meant about Shale, Rico. My MC already out-armors him without even twinking for it(don't want to break my Warden Commander set bonus for an extra +4 armor.) He still trivialized the [spoiler]Flemeth[/spoiler] fight and is a better elemental tank than Dog, though! And also just plain fun to use. If my guy wasn't a damage-dealer, I might use him in pure offense mode.