This game would have aggravated me no matter how slow I played it. That's the whole point of why Doom put it on the list.
I'm pretty sure Doom put it on the list because he thought you'd like it. I mean it's a good game, but watching you play it was painful. You almost never used the item crashes and you'd stubbornly refuse to learn boss patterns. Like the first video you're going along and talking about how cool the game is, but as soon as you died the first time it seemed like you switched directly into hate mode.
[02:16] FiendOfShadows: Hi
[02:16] FiendOfShadows: What'd I do
[02:16] Frocto: fucking
[02:17] Frocto: kill you
[02:17] Frocto: that castlevania game
[02:17] FiendOfShadows: Hahahaha
[02:17] Frocto: bloodlines
[02:17] FiendOfShadows: AHAHAHAHAHAH
[02:17] Frocto: should be called bloodfuck
[02:17] FiendOfShadows: Alos sorry about Pokeman Snap
[02:17] FiendOfShadows: I'll hammer that out tomorrow
[02:17] Frocto: np
[02:17] Frocto: you'd better
[02:17] Frocto: or I'll impale you on quarterback belmont's face
[02:17] Frocto: god that game sucked so bad
[02:17] Frocto: is that why you wanted me to play it
[02:17] FiendOfShadows: WHAT'S A MATTER FROCTO
[02:17] FiendOfShadows: DON'T LIKE TREASURE GAMES
[02:18] Frocto: oh
[02:18] FiendOfShadows: ps wasn't elizabeth hot for a Genesis sprite
[02:18] Frocto: alien soldier is fucking awful too
[02:18] Frocto: yeah I wanted to bone her big time
[02:18] FiendOfShadows: anyway
[02:18] FiendOfShadows: Treasure games are all technically good
[02:18] FiendOfShadows: but I guess only Gunstar Heroes isn't dick-slamingly difficult