Okay, after plowing through this on Hard and beating most Gracious and Gloriouses on my first try, I can safely say anyone who has trouble with these guys is a pussy.
1) Jump in the air and spam rockets until they are spread out or until you feel like stopping, since they LITERALLY HAVE NO WAY TO HIT YOU WHEN YOU DO THIS
2) Scroll most of them off-screen and slap one around with PPPKKK until you have full Torture.
3) Torture.
I beat that highway fight with the three of them without taking a single hit, because I spent the entire thing sitting in the air. And I'm not even using the Kilgore glitch, just normal Kilgore, since the PPPPK combo is ALREADY broken without needing to weapon switch. Honestly, it's really disheartening how they just sit on the ground staring up at you if you jump high enough. I KNOW YOU HAVE AIR COMBOS WHY AREN'T YOU USING THEM YOU YOU
Oh yeah, speaking of PPPKKK, is there a combo that does more damage than the last hit of that? If there is one, I am having trouble finding it.