Download J Project HereHi! I'm Friday. You may remember me from such games as Apocalypse Trail, Apocalypse itself, This Game Has Too Many Fucking Hoses and Evil Fires In It, and Revenge of the Chompers 2: The unmarked kill ceiling.
I'm here today to post up my shit that I've been working on since Knorpse 2 ended, because I didn't want to wait 6 months or whatever to use what I had learned from contributing!
So for all those people who aren't completely burned out/fed up with Knytt and it's horrible control scheme and enemy types, (all two of you) you may enjoy playing
this.What's that, you say? Friday makes horrible shit that is way too hard for a man or woman? Never fear! I have included three, yes, THREE, difficulties! And I have had a different playtester beta test each!
Normal: Zara
Hard: Brentai
Expert: Niku
What's this? You want to know what the difference is between the difficulties? FEAR NOT, GENTLE READER, FOR I HAVE INCLUDED A SPECIAL FAQ JUST FOR YOU HEY THAT RHYMED
Q: omfg Juni is yellow
A: Yeah.
Q: why is Juni yellow did you pee on her
A: a littl -- I mean, uh, because I needed her to stand out more. I went with yellow in particular because it's a reference to F Project, which this game is loosely based on.
Q: F Project? What's that?
A: Self-insert fantasy fiction that I wrote several years ago on the pyoko boards. Lots of other pyokites were included as characters as well. I'd link it, but pyoko is no more.
Q: Well, fuck. I never read F Project so now I won't understand the story.
A: You might miss a few subtle references, but the story is pretty much all there. You're not missing anything big, trust me.
Q: Holy shiiiiiiiit I started with like all the powerups
A: yeah, this isn't a game about exploration or a metroidvania of any type. It's a linear action platformer. There's nothing to find. Just get from point A to B.
Q: omg I just noticed I have everything except the hologram why
A: because I fucking hate the hologram.
Q: So, what are the differences between the difficulties?
A: Expert is what I originally made. It's tuned for someone like me or Niku to enjoy. It's pretty damn hard. Hard Mode has toned down areas and a few more save points. Normal Mode has further toned down areas and a save point almost every screen.
Q: Help! I don't know what difficulty I should play on!
A: Do you hate having to repeat challenges? Then Normal Mode is for you. With maybe a few exceptions, you shouldn't have to repeat anything once you pass it. Don't get me wrong, Normal Mode is not "Easy Mode" despite being the Easiest Mode available. I called them what I did for a reason. Normal Mode still has quite a few challenging screens, especially toward the end.
Q: What about Hard Mode?
A: Well, if you don't overly mind repeating screens as a punishment for dying, and are looking for a bit more challenge than Normal offers, go with Hard Mode.
Q: And Expert?
A: Are you Niku? If you're Niku, play on Expert. Except you already did, so nobody really should be playing on this mode. Not the first time, anyway.
Q: Help, I still can't decide between Normal/Hard or Hard/Expert.
A: I'd go with the easier option if you're not sure. Just my advice. I would hate for someone to get stuck on Hard Mode and never complete the full game because they didn't want to go back through on Normal. On the other hand, replaying on a harder difficulty feels less like "redoing the same thing over again" (at least for me)
Q: Well, where can I download this?
A: Do you have Knytt stories?
Q: What's that?
A: who the fuck are you?
Q: I dunno some guy who randomly came to this board and randomly clicked this thread
A: go away
Q: I'm a regular and it's still not working.
A: uhhhhh PM me and I'll see if I can't get you a working copy?
Q: Help! I'm stuck on some screen/part!
A: Shoot me a PM or msg on IRC. I don't mind lending a hand.
Feedback is appreciated! Unless it's simply "I fucking hated it". I want constructive feedback. Also if you liked something, let me know! Positive feedback helps me to improve too and also makes me feel good!
Thanks in advance anyone who has feedback!
EDIT2: Apologies for the size of the download (40 megs). I included quite a bit of music, since I think we're all sick of the default knytt music by now.