Eh, that photographer Clayton Cubitt - also known as Siege - has been saying that traditional still photography will transition to a video based one soon enough. As soon as the Canon 5D Mark II was released (which shot full-frame HD 1080p video), he began pioneering the Long Portrait, or portraits of people taken with video rather than just stills. Then he began saying about how the future of photography was filming something, then locating the exact moment for a still.
Last year, even, photographer Greg Williamsdid the same thing with Megan Fox for Esquire
It looks pretty cool, and the RED is really, really high-def. It's also like $50,000 so I don't see it being the future of photography just yet.
Well, even he acknowledges that right now the price point is too high. But pro photographers do spend quite a lot on gear and the cost will eventually come down (something else he acknowledges), so when the two vectors come close enough we'll probably see change take place.
I figure when the cost comes down to maybe a third of current costs, the early adopters will start picking it up (though obviously there are some moneyed pioneers trying stuff out right now). If they can get it down to $5,000 a camera, or even just in the $10,000-$5,000 range, that might the be the threshold where the majority crosses over.