The "probably morons" bit was a joke at their expense, albeit it was in poor taste considering the subject material.
Okay. I, uh, I guess I missed the humor there. My bad?
As far as I can tell, you're the only one judging people.
I'll admit the possibility that this is what my opinion comes across as, even though I'm doing my best to make it clear that it's quite the opposite. My point is, good people can follow awful traditions, and condemning the latter should not mean condemning the former. So, judging people: not cool. I think we agree on that.
Now I can see what you're trying to say, that a tradition that lets a severely diabetic child die is nothing to get worked up over since it does the gene pool a favor. That's a perfectly legitimate point of view, compatible with sanity. I just hope you'll understand my reaction when part of your discourse
appeared to include "these people are idiots anyway, it's no skin off anyone's nose". Because this same tradition that, uh, breeds out imperfections (man I understand your reluctance to use these words) could potentially let a non-deadly illness or accident cause certain amounts of unnecessary suffering while not helping out the gene pool at all.