I don't want to sound like a tremendous asshole, but I have always found it incredibly troubling that these news stories tend to make the idea of the girl consenting to what occured the most outrageous concept in the world. This occured months ago and wasn't reported by the victim. I understand that rape is a seriously horrible thing but there's legitimate questions to be asked here, and while I understand that anyone involved is still guilty of statutory regardless, the long-term damage to a person's life is a lot less severe in one case than another. The media has done a fantastic job of making the viewing public view these men as guilty before they've gone to trial, and the end result is that short of stacking the jury with sympathetic blacks, a lot of men could have a lot of doors closed for them later in life - provided they ever get out of jail - because they made a (albeit, incredibly stupid) mistake. We're not seeing a lot of facts in this trial, and the only people who will are going to be the police and the jury.
Something horrible happened to that girl, I have no doubt, but whether she was forced to do what she was doing, or she chose to do what she was doing - because of lack of judgement, the part of society she came from and her upbringing (or lack thereof) - remains to be seen.