Bit of background that may or may not matter here: My sister-in-law works for MS and so I get some day-to-day info once every couple of months. Basically over the past 2-3 years they're reeeaaally starting to regress down towards the special corporate hell reserved for stodgy established companies, with lame micromanaging, cutbacks on things like desk space, herding people into cubicle farms, etc.
I think their management is starting to think as if they were a utility (I think they even applied for utility-style tax classification), where they're just rent-seeking on established assets. Only they're not. They're still a tech company. And they're fucking up anyway by offering all kinds of upset-the-applecart drastic changes, which a utility has no business doing anyway.
There may also be some excessive corporate fiefdom crap going on too. I dunno.
Anyway, it's pretty clear that their recent track record is one of fairly unmitigated fuckups.